
Network Parameters
Server IP Address: The IP address of the RADIUS server (separate fields for Authentication and Accounting).
Server DNS Name: The DNS Name of the RADIUS server (separate fields for Authentication and Accounting).
Enter either the Server IP Address or the Server DNS Name, but not both.
Server Port: The port on which the RADIUS server operates.
This port must match the RADIUS Authentication or Accounting port supported by your RADIUS program.
Most RADIUS servers use port 1812 (the default setting) for Authentication and port 1813 (the default setting)
for Accounting. However, Funk Steel-belted RADIUS uses port 1645 for Authentication and 1646 for
Server Secret Key: This is a password between the AP and the RADIUS server. Enter the same Shared Secret
that you used when you added the AP as a client on the RADIUS server.
Retransmission Options
Retransmission Method: Set to Failover or Round-Robin. This option is only valid if you have configured
settings for a Secondary Server.
Failover: The AP make multiple attempts to reach the Primary Server. If the Primary Server fails to respond
(after the specified number of Retransmission Attempts), the AP falls over to the Secondary Server.
Round-Robin: The AP first attempts to reach the Primary Server. If the Primary Server fails to respond, the
AP tries the Secondary Server. If the Secondary Server fails to respond, the AP again tries the Primary Server.
Retransmission Frequency: The number of seconds between retransmission attempts. Default is 3 seconds.
Retransmission Attempts: The number of retransmission attempts (per server). Default is 2 (per server).
Retransmission Timeouts: The number of seconds after which a retransmission attempt times out.
ISP Account Creation
This option is provided for demo purposes. It acts as a portal page HTTP redirection to allow new users to sign
up for service with an ISP.
Enable ISP Account Creation: Place a check mark in this box to enable this feature.
ISP Portal Page URL: Specifies a Web site to which subscribers are redirected after submitting an HTTP request
(prior to authentication).
ISP Account Creation URL: Specifies a Web site on the ISP’s server that contains an account creation form for
new subscribers.
ISP Server IP: The IP address of the ISP’s server that hosts the portal and account creation pages.
If you enable this feature for demo purposes, you must also add the ISP Server’s IP address to the
Passthrough IP Table.
Miscellaneous Options
User Name/Password Type: Determines what credentials the RADIUS server uses to authenticate subscribers.
User-Input (that is, User Name and Password)
MAC-MAC (The wireless card’s MAC address is used as both the user name and the password)
MAC-Key (The wireless card’s MAC address is the user name and the AP/RADIUS Shared Secret is the
If using MAC-MAC or MAC-Key, enter the MAC address in the following format: 123456-7890ab (6 digits, a
dash, final 6 digits).