Public Space Parameters
9. Enter the following settings for the primary server, secondary server (if any), and carbon copy server that will
receive billing records from the AP:
• IP: Enter the server’s IP address in the field provided.
• URL: This field is optional. If a URL is not specified, the AP sends an XML packet to the server’s IP address
on the selected port. The system administrator decides if the server will listen for the packets on the port or if
the packets need to go to a specific file for processing.
• Secret Key: This field is reserved for future use.
• Port: This is the port that the AP will use to send records to the server. The server should be configured to
listen for the billing records on that port.
10. Click OK to save the new settings.
XML Packet Format
The AP sends a string of XML commands to the specified billing servers according to the XML specification (see XML
Interface Specification). The AP adds HTTP headers to the XML packets so that the billing servers receive the packets
in HTTP-compliant XML format.
The XML string is in the following format:
AP to Server:
2 <REC_NUM> max 5 characters </REC_NUM>
3 <AP_ID> max 6 characters </AP_ID>
4 <PROPERTY_ID> max 64 characters </PROPERTY_ID>
5 <DATE> max 10 characters </DATE>
6 <TIME> max 8 characters </TIME>
7 <ROOM_NUM> max 20 characters </ROOM_NUM>
8 <AMOUNT> max 10 characters </AMOUNT>
9 <TRANS_TYPE> max 5 characters <TRANS_TYPE>
10 <SINGATURE> max 16 characters </SIGNATURE>
11 </AP>
Sample format for each field:
1. REC_NUM: 00923 (numbers only, no alpha characters)
2. AP_ID: 4a672a
3. PROPERTY_ID: Any regular string
4. DATE: 04/18/2003 (mm/dd/yyyy)
5. TIME: 22:12:34 (24 hour format)
6. ROOM_NUM: Any regular string (not used)
7. AMOUNT: 234.34
8. TRANS_TYPE: Credit Card (CC)
9. SIGNATURE: Encrypted signature for authentication
IP: Standard IP address format
XML to AP:
The AP accepts a single line of XML text in the specified format (see XML Interface Specification). The XML string is a
commend sent by an external server to the AP. In this case, the acknowledgment received from the external server
forms the command. The AP expects the acknowledgment in the following format: