Public Space Parameters
Home Page Redirect
Message Meaning
could not get subid
This syslog suggests that the AP could not get the
subscriber associated with a particular DNS redirection
USG_DNS: ndxDNSRedirectionTable::processFromSubscriber():
dnsIsQueryA() failed
The AP has received a DNS packet that was not a valid DNS
query and is not processed.
USG_DNS: ndxService::processKnownNames(): dnsIsQueryA()
The AP has received a valid DNS query, which failed.
ndxDNSRedirectionTable::processFromNetwork(): duplicate
reply or reply without request
The AP has received a DNS reply from the network side but
does not have a matching request.
USG_DNS: dnsRedirectFromSub(): GetDNSServerIP failed This occurs when redirecting the DNS packet and the DNS
server cannot be found.
Table(): GetSubId() failed
This syslog suggests that the AP could not get the
subscriber associated with a particular DNS redirection
USG_DNS: ndxDNSService::FromSubscriber(): Unable to
determine if redirection is needed
The AP was unable to redirect the DNS request because the
packet had the wrong packet info type.
Message Meaning
USG_HRS: 3009 HRS_Object
The HTTP request method is invalid.
USG_HRS: 3010 HRS_Object received_bad_URL The HTTP request was null, empty, or incorrectly formed.
3014 HRS_Object ERROR_writing_to_the_socket The AP could not write to socket so the user did not received
an appropriate response to their http request.
USG_HPR: 3017 HPR_Functionality
The HTTP request method is not GET, POST or HEAD. The
AP cannot handle this type of request so it is ignored.
USG_HRS: 3025 HRS_Object Socket ReadERROR: sFD 17
read bytes -1, errno=54
This occurs if the connection is reset by the peer machine
and the AP cannot read the http request.
USG_HPR: 3026 HPR_Functionality Socket_timeout This occurs when the AP does not receive a complete
request from the subscriber.