
Public Space Parameters
ICC Appearance
The ICC screen contains the following items:
•Title Bar
Appears at the top of the screen near the Web browser name.
Ad Banner
You can specify up to 5 different banners that share this space.
ISP Button
Appears in the center of the ICC.
You can customize this button to display your own logo.
8 Ad Buttons
The bottom row of buttons of the ICC.
•Text Bar
Located at the bottom of the ICC.
It displays custom text when the cursor is rolled over a button or banner.
Dynamic Billing Plan Selection field
This option does not appear for all customers (see below).
Subscribers can select a new billing plan from the drop-down menu.
Count-down Timer
This option does not appear for all customers (see below).
This field displays the subscriber’s remaining access time.
This field shares the same space as the Logout button.
Logout Button
This option appears for all customers authenticated by a RADIUS server (if using Internal authentication
with RADIUS).
This field shares the same space as the Count-down Timer field.
The appearance of the ICC will vary depending on the subscriber’s access method. For example, if a subscriber has
been authenticated by a RADIUS server, a Logout button will appear on the ICC. If a subscriber purchased access
time with a credit card, a count-down timer will appear on the ICC.
The following images illustrate the ICC appearance for each access method. Note that all of these images use the
default graphics.
Free Access/Manual Configuration
If you offer a free billing plan or if you manually added a user to the Authorized Subscribers Table, the ICC does not
display the Dynamic Billing Plan Selection field, the Count-down Timer, or the Logout button:
Figure 5-18 ICC Screen
Credit Card Purchase
If a subscriber purchased access time by credit card, the ICC includes the Count-down Timer and the Dynamic Billing
Plan Selection field:
Title Bar
Ad Banner
ISP Button
Ad Buttons
Text Bar