ORiNOCO AP-2500 User Guide
Installation & Basic Configuration
In This Chapter
This chapter describes how to install the AP-2500 hardware and perform basic configuration operations.
• Prerequisites
• Hardware Installation
• Initialization (ScanTool)
• Basic Configuration
• Download the Latest Software
• Back-up the AP’s Configuration Files
Before installing an AP-2500, you need to gather certain network information. The following section identifies the
information you need.
Network Name (SSID of the wireless cards) You must assign the Access Point a Network Name before wireless users can
communicate with it. The clients also need the same Network Name. This is not the same
as the System Name, which applies only to the Access Point. The network administrator
typically provides the Network Name.
AP-2500’s IP Address You will need to assign the Access Point an IP address that is valid on your network. While
the Access Point can dynamically obtain an IP address, you may want to consider
assigning it a static IP address that will not change. Some of the Public Access features will
stop working if the AP’s IP address changes after installation and configuration.
HTTP Password Each Access Point requires a read/write password to access the web interface. The default
password is “public”.
CLI Password Each Access Point requires a read/write password to access the CLI interface. The default
password is “public”.
SNMP Read Password Each Access Point requires a password to allow get requests from an SNMP manager. The
default password is “public”.
SNMP Read-Write Password Each Access Point requires a password to allow get and set requests from an SNMP
manager. The default password is “public”.
Security Settings You need to determine what security features you will enable on the Access Point.
Authentication Method You should decide which authentication method you plan to use before installing the
Access Point: Internal Authentication, Internal Authentication with RADIUS, or External
Authentication. See AP-2500 Authentication Methods for an overview of these options.
Client IP Address Pool Allocation Scheme The Access Point will automatically provide IP addresses to subscribers as they sign on.
You need to determine what range or ranges of IP addresses you want to offer. See
DHCP Server for details.
DNS Server IP Address The network administrator typically provides this IP Address. The Access Point needs to
have properly configured DNS settings to function correctly.