logo System Configuration
You can configure the STP system parameter after enable the STP function. You can view spanning tree
informationa about the Root Bridge on the left.
1. Select <Edit>
2. Priority: assign path priority number.
3. Max Age: the maximum path age
4. Hello Time: the time that controls switch sends out the BPDU packet to check STP current status.
5. Forward Delay Time: forward delay time.
6. Select <Apply>.
STP System Configuration interface Per Port Setting
1. Select <Edit>.
2. Path Cost: specifies the path cost of the port that switch uses to determine which port are the
forwarding ports.
3. Priority: This is mean port priority; you can make it more or less likely to become the root port.
4. Press “ESC” goes back action menu line.
5. Select <Apply> to apply all configure value.
6. On the action menu line you can press <Next Page> to configure rest of ports, press <Previous
Page> return to previous page.