Mail settings
♦Initial default
*1 You can enter the following single-byte alpha-numeric characters and symbols.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! # $ % ` ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~
Item Settings Description
Attach alarm image Off♦/On Specifies whether the image when the event occurred should
be attached to the mail.
• Image attachment is not supported when the compression
format specified for the camera image being sent is MPEG-
• Even if [On] is selected here, the image will not be attached
if [Off] is selected for the recording rate setting of event
SMTP server address Address input
Enter the server name or IP address of the SMTP server
sending the mail.
• Enter up to 255 single-byte alpha-numeric characters,
including hyphen (-) and period (.).
• When entering a server name, you must use the DNS.
SMTP port number Port number input (25♦) Specifies the SMTP port number in the range of 1 to 65535.
POP server address Address input
Enter the server name or IP address of the POP server
receiving the mail.
• Enter up to 255 single-byte alpha-numeric characters,
including hyphen (-) and period (.).
• When entering a server name, you must use the DNS.
Type None♦ / POP before SMTP /
Specifies the type of authentication when sending e-mails.
User name Name input
Enter the user name (log in name) used for authentication.
• Enter up to 32 single-byte alpha-numeric characters and
symbols, excluding ampersand (&) and spaces.
Password Enter password
Enter the password for the above user name.
• Enter up to 32 single-byte alpha-numeric characters and
symbols, excluding ampersand (&) and spaces.
Destination address
Address1 to Address4 Address input
Specifies destination mail addresses for alarm mail and warning
mail. Up to four addresses can be specified.
Select the check box next to the type of mail (warning/alarm) to
be sent.
• Enter up to 255 single-byte alpha-numeric characters,
including hyphen (-), period (.), at (@), and underscore (_).
Sender's address Address input
Enter the sender's mail address. The address entered here will
appear in the From field of the recipient's mail message.
• Enter up to 127 single-byte alpha-numeric characters,
including hyphen (-), period (.), at (@), and underscore (_).