♦Initial default
*1 You can enter the following single-byte alpha-numeric characters and symbols.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! # $ % ` ( ) + , - . / ; = @ [ ] ^ _ ` { }
• Images recorded with emergency recording can be transmitted to the FTP server.
The camera channels transmitted to the FTP server, recorded images, and the directory of the FTP server are as follows.
Image transmission by alarm Set the following items to transmit images of where an alarm
occurs at an event. Setting whether or not to transmit live
images to the FTP server where an alarm occurs at an event
can be set for scheduled time periods with "Time table
(page 46)".
Server directory Name input
Enter the send destination directory.
• Enter up to 255 single-byte alpha-numeric characters and
symbols, excluding &*:<>?\|~ and spaces.
Duration-Pre Off♦ / 1 s to 10 s (Settable in 1-
second units.)
Specify the time of the pre-event image to be sent.
• Transmission of images to the FTP server may not be
possible for "Duration-Pre" when the image compression
method of the selected camera channel is [MPEG-4].
Duration-Post Off / 1 s to 10 s (Settable in 1-
second units.)
Specify the time of the post-event image to be sent.
• Transmission of images to the FTP server may not be
possible for "Duration-Post" when the image compression
method of the selected camera channel is [MPEG-4].
Alteration Detection Off♦ / On Specifies whether data should be included for alteration
detection by the viewer software.
• Pre-event images are not sent when pre-event recording is not specified. For information about configuring pre-event recording settings,
refer to page 42.
Item Settings Description
• Camera channels to transmit : Camera channel of emergency recording
• Recorded images : Images recorded from the start of emergency recording to the time set for "Duration-Post".
• Directory of the FTP server : Directory set under [Image transmission by alarm] - [Server directory] for the FTP server set for
[FTP server address].