The recorder's alarm action starts according to the settings when an event occurs. The event function includes, terminal alarms, command
alarms, and site alarms.
About events
Event action will be performed when some events occur.
Events include, terminal alarms, site alarms, and command alarms.
For example, if a camera sends a site alarm, the recorder receives
the alarm and an event occurs.
About event action
Event action is the action done when an event occurs.
Depending on the settings event action include, recording images,
recording logs, sending external notification (mail notification, LED,
buzzers, transmitting to FTP and others). Here, action that send
external notifications are called alarms.
The recorder starts an event according to the settings when the
following events occur.
Event action include the following.
• Start recording images
Recording is done according to the recording duration and rate
settings on the setup menu. The images from a camera before an
event occurs can be recorded and linked to the event (pre-event
recording). Refer to "Program (page 42)" for details about setting
the recording rates.
• Display alarm messages
A pop-up window appears to indicate an event has occurred.
• Alarm indicator blinks
Alarm indicator on the front of the recorder blinks.
• Buzzer sounds
The buzzer sounds according to the settings on the setup menu
(page 38).
• The camera goes to its preset position.
The camera moves to a pre-registered preset position. Refer to
the Operating Instructions (PDF file) for information about
registering preset positions.
• Notify of an event occurrence by sending e-mails
Alarm mail (notification of the time and date of an event) is sent to
registered e-mail addresses when an event occurs. A JPEG
image can be attached to this e-mail. Up to 4 addresses can be
registered to receive the alarm mail. Refer to "Mail (page 58)" for
information about the settings.
• Alarm signal output from the Alarm/Control connector on the rear
panel of the recorder (Alarm output)
When an event occurs, a signal is output from the Alarm/Control
connector on the rear panel of the recorder to sound the buzzar.
The time the signal is output is set on the setup menu (page 38).
• Event log is recorded
When an event occurs, the type of event and the time it occurred
are recorded in an event log.
• Images recorded during events are sent to an FTP server
When an event occurs, images are recorded from when the
event starts for a set period of time and are automatically sent to
an FTP server. Refer to "Time table (page 46), FTP (page 56)"
for information about the settings.
• A PC is notified of an alarm according to Panasonic alarm
protocol settings
When an event or error occurs, a PC is automatically notified
regarding event or error information according to the [Panasonic
alarm protocol] settings. Install the software
(option) on the PC
designated to receive and display event or error notification.
* Refer to the "readme.txt" file on the CD-ROM for details about the
Event functions
• Terminal Alarm : Signals from door sensors or other
external devices are transmitted through
the alarm terminal on the rear panel of the
• Command Alarm : Receives command alarms from PCs via a
• Site Alarm : Receives the Panasonic alarm protocol
from network cameras.
Image of event/alarm action
Event action
-Event recording
(Terminal alarms, site alarms,
and command alarms)
Alarm action
-Mail notification
-FTP transmission