About operating windows
(1) Displays the time and date for the download
start point/ending point. (page 42)
(2) [Go to date] button
Used to playback images from a specified time and date.
(page 22).
(3) [Go to last] button
Skips to the latest recorded image on the displayed camera
channel and starts playback.
(1) [REW] button
Plays recorded images in reversely at high speed.
Each time the button is clicked, the reverse speed changes
Step 2 (4x) > Step 3 (8x) > Step 4 (16x) > Step 5 (32x) >
Step6 (48x) > Step 7 (96x).
(2) [PREV RECORD] button
Skips backward to play back recorded images.
(3) [REV PLAY] button
Plays recorded images in reverse.
(4) [PLAY] button
Plays recorded images.
(5) [NEXT RECORD] button
Skips forward to play back recorded images.
(6) [FF] button
Plays recorded images at high speed.
Each time the button is clicked, the speed changes Step 2
(4x) > Step 3 (8x) > Step 4 (16x) > Step 5 (32x) > Step6 (48x)
> Step 7 (96x).
(7) [PREV IMAGE] button
Clicking during playback or pause plays back one frame at a
time reversely, and then pauses.
(8) [PAUSE] button
Clicking during playback pauses playback.
Clicking during pause restarts playback.
(9) [STOP] button
Stops playback and displays live images from the camera.
(10) [NEXT IMAGE] button
Clicking during playback or pause plays back one frame at a
time forward and then pauses.
(11) [Download (TO PC)] box
Downloads the image being played to the PC.
(12) [Rec] box
Click [Up] button to display the [Recording] and [Recording
stop] buttons.
Click [Down] button to hide the [Recording] and [Recording
stop] buttons.
Playback point operation area
(1) (2) (3)
[Start] : Set the time and date to start the
image to be downloaded.
[End] : Set the time and date to end the image
to be downloaded.
[HDD] tab
(7) (8) (9) (10)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (11) (12)
[Download] : Images and audio can be
[Viewer] : Downloads viewer software for playing
back downloaded images.
[Recording] button : Starts recording manually.
[Recording stop]
: Stops recording manually.
• When displaying the [Recording] or [Recording stop] buttons,
click and hold [Up] button until displayed.