Figure 3.2: Generic Redheffer interconnection structure
3.5 System Interconnection
Interconnections of systems are used extensively in the design, analysis and simulation
calculations. The most general form of interconnection, and the one used in forming
closed loop systems, is the Redheffer (or star) product. The Xµ function starp performs
this operation. This Redheffer product operation is illustrated in Figure 3.2. A MIMO
Dynamic System (or matrix) is created from two MIMO Dynamic System s.
The syntax of the command to form this interconnection is,
bigsys = starp(sys1,sys2,dim1,dim2)
A more powerful, general, interconnection capability is given with the Xµ function
sysic. This can be used to interconnect subsystems (Dynamic Systems or constant
gain matrices) in an arbitrary manner. This is best illustrated by an example. Consider
the interconnection shown in Figure 3.3.
In each case it is assumed that the systems p, c,andwght, exist in the workspace prior
to calling sysic. The final four-input, three-output system is shown in Figure 3.4.