
306 Chapter 6. Function Reference
# Apply the D scales to another H
infinity design
Kmu = hinfsyn(Ds*wghtic*Dinvs,nmeas,ncntrls,[gmin;gmax])
Test bounds: 0.0000 < gamma <= 10.0000
gamma Hx
eig X eig Hy eig Y eig nrho xy p/f
10.000 6.5e-01 5.6e-07 9.9e-03 -1.0e-15 0.0027 p
5.000 6.4e-01 5.6e-07 9.8e-03 -6.3e-16 0.0113 p
2.500 6.4e-01 5.6e-07 9.2e-03 0.0e+00 0.0517 p
1.250 6.3e-01 5.6e-07 6.0e-03 -7.6e-20 0.4688 p
0.625 5.6e-01 -1.1e+00 7.1e-14 ******* ******* f
0.938 6.1e-01 -2.8e+01 7.1e-14 ******* ******* f
1.094 6.2e-01 5.6e-07 4.1e-03 -3.5e-16 1.2451 f
1.172 6.2e-01 5.6e-07 5.2e-03 -6.3e-18 0.6922 p
Gamma value achieved: 1.1719
# Close the loop around the weighted interconnection
# structure.
Gmu = starp(wghtic,Kmu)
omega = logspace(0.01,100,40)
Gmug = freq(Gmu,omega)
blk = [1,1; 2,2]
[rpbnds2,D2,Dinv2,Delta2,sens2] = mu(Gmug,blk)
gph3 = ctrlplot(rpbnds2(1,1),{ log});
gph3 = ctrlplot(rpbnds1(1,1),gph3,{log});
gph3 = plot(gph3,{!grid,title="Kmu & Kinf mu analysis",...
legend=["Kmu: robust perf.";"Kinf: robust perf."]})?