
randpdm 323
pdmout = randpdm (ndomain,nrows,ncolumns,{keywords})
Parameter List
Inputs: ndomain length of the domain
nrows number of rows in pdmout
ncolumns number of columns in pdmout
Keywords: complex Boolean. A complex valued pdm is generated. Default =
zeromean Boolean. The values are shifted so that zero is the mean.
Default = 0.
Dfirst First value in the domain. This only a bound if !regular.
Default = 0.
Dlast Last value in the domain. Again this is only a bound if
!regular. Default = ndomain-1.
regular Boolean. Domain is regular. !regular generates a random
domain between Dfirst and Dlast. Default = 1.
Outputs: pdmout Random pdm
A random pdm, with user specified row, column and domain dimension, is generated.
Several additional features can be specified by keywords: real or complex values,
minimum and maximum values of the domain, and whether or not the domain is regular.
Note that the domain related defaults give a domain of [0:ndomain:1]. ndomain can be
specified as zero in which case a random matrix is returned. This is a reasonable way of
generating a random complex matrix.