
and B. Augmentation for pdms simply performs the augmentation at each domain
variable. The domains must be the same.
Diagonal augmentation can be performed with the Xµ function daug. This is the
equivalent of the matrix augmentation: [A, 0; 0, B], except that up to 20 arguments
can be augmented in one function call.
Algebraic Operations
In binary operations (e.g. +, -, *) between a Dynamic System andamatrix,the
matrix is assumed to represent the D matrix of a system. In other words, a system with
constant gain (no dynamics).
The transpose operator () is well defined for constants, pdmsandDynamic Systems.
In the Dynamic System case it creates the equivalent of the following.
[A,B,C,D] = abcd(sys)
transsys = system(A’,C’,B’,D’)
The conjugate transpose operator (*’)ofaDynamic System creates the adjoint
operator. In other words.
[A,B,C,D] = abcd(sys)
adjsys = system(-A’,-C’,B’,D’)
Random pdms can be created in with the Xµ function randpdm. This is useful for
generating random time domain signals for use in simulations.
Dynamic System Functions
The poles and zeros of Dynamic System can be found with the Xmath core functions
poles and zeros.
Random systems can be created with the Xµ function randsys. The user can also
specify additional system properties; for example, stability, a frequency range for the