Subblocks: selecting input & outputs
In µ-Tools the function sel selects rows and columns from a varying matrix or inputs
and outputs from a system matrix. In Xmath these can be obtained by specifying row
and column indexes. More flexibility of selecting parts of a pdm can be obtained by
using the indexlist function.
Augmentation is the building of matrices from component pieces. The µ-Tools
commands which perform these functions are given in the table below. For pdmsor
Dynamic Systems in Xmath these operations are generally performed identically to
the equivalent matrix operation.
Description µ-Tools Function Xmath/Xµ equivalent
vertical augmentation abv ;
horizontal augmentation sbs ,
diagonal augmentation daug daug
Algebraic Operations
Similarly, algebraic operations on system or varying matrices in µ-Tools require a
dedicated function. In the Xmath case the usual matrix operation suffices.
Description µ-Tools Function Xmath/Xµ equivalent
addition madd +
subtraction msub -
multiplication mmult *
system scaling mscl *
system scaling sclin *
system scaling sclout *
system inverse minv inv
transpose transp ’
conjugate transpose cjt *’