382 Chapter 6. Function Reference
Parameter List
Inputs: p Generalized interconnection structure (Dynamic Sys-
nmeas measurement vector dimension.
ncon control vector dimension.
g H
norm of suboptimal controller to be calculated. Re-
ferred to in the literature as gamma.
epr Tolerance for determining when the Hamiltonian eigenval-
ues lie on the jω-axis.
Keywords: schur
solution real Schur decomposition for Riccati solution (default)
solution eigendecomposition for Riccati solution.
Outputs: X Riccati solution
Y Riccati solution
fail status of solution:
0 Solution found.
1 jω axis eigenvalues in Hamiltonian
2 Unequal number of +ve & -ve eigenvalues in
Hamiltonian. This represents a numerical failure
in the eigenvalue ordering.
3 Both of the above errors detected.
f Intermediate calculation for scaling and normalization
h Intermediate calculation for scaling and normalization
HX X Hamiltonian
HY Y Hamiltonian
HXmin Minimum absolute value of the real part of the X Hamilto-
nian eigenvalues. In other words, how close to the jω axis
the eigenvalues lie.
HYmin Minimum absolute value of the real part of the Y Hamil-
tonian eigenvalues.