Voluntary Community Assistance Network (V-CAN)
Depending on t
Application), there are multiple w o s;
he different entry point (i.e., Internet, Online Application, Call Center or Paper
Ö Electronic Signature
ening (similar to the FSSA QualCheck system used prior to
l questions related to
e screening indicates
ant’s screening results
DFR office or call the
s may receive Food Stamps
within seven days of the application date.
When an applicant completes all sections of the screening, s/he will view a results page (see Figure 2:
Screening Results). The results page tells the applicant whether s/he may or may not be potentially
eligible for Food Stamps, Cash Assistance (TANF) or Health Coverage (including the Healthy Indiana
Plan (HIP). Upon completion of the screening, applicants can choose how they want to apply for
benefits. Regardless of the screening results, an applicant may apply for any or all of the public
assistance programs. NOTE: The screening results are not an official eligibility determination. Eligibility is
determined by a State Worker after a signed application is submitted to the FSSA Service Center.
Ö Electronic Signature
Paper Application
l Ö Paper Application
ctronic Signature
ays t apply for benefit
Ü Online Application
Internet Screening Ö Print Ö
Þ Mai
Online Application Ö Ele
Call Center Ö Mail Ö Paper Applicatio
Pap r Application Ö Signa
e ture Page
2 Internet Screening
Applicants have the following options when completing the Internet screening:
Ü Online Application
Internet Screening Ö Print Ö Paper Application
Þ Mail Ö Paper Application
Step 1: Internet Screening
Applicants will complete the scre
modernization) available in English or Spanish. The screening contains genera
household members, relationships, resources, income and expenses.
Applicants should complete the screening prior to completing an application. Th
whether the applicant may be eligible for Expedited Food Stamps. If an applic
indicate potential eligibility for Expedited Food Stamps, s/he should visit a local
FSSA Call Center. Applicants potentially eligible for Expedited Food Stamp
V-CAN User Guide 6 vcan@us.ibm.com