Voluntary Community Assistance Network (V-CAN)
V-CAN User Guide 19 vcan@us.ibm.com
ially relevant to agencies
Internet browser’
the screening or
ed when completing an
number, starting with a
e Interview and 2032
Pending Verification notices.
o Do not use the “2400” application (State Form 30465) once the new system is implemented in
your county.
o You may continue to use Hoosier Healthwise and Medicare Savings Program (QMB / SLMB / QI)
paper applications in the new system.
12 Application Tips
Highlighted below are a few tips and procedures, most of which are espec
involved as Authorized Representatives:
o When using the Internet Screening or Online Application, do not use the
“Back” button; instead, use the “back” button located at the bottom of
o The 10-digit Confirmation Number, starting with a “5,” should only be us
online application that is already in progress. The Case Number (10-digit
“1”) is assigned once an application is submitted and will be listed on th