Voluntary Community Assistance Network (V-CAN)
online, clients must provide their last name, ICES case number, date of birth and last four digits of
d ICES case number or date
rrections and Spend-down
ients may use:
tting documents to the FSSA Service Center, use a case-specific, bar-coded Document
umber or SSN. Include
e specific supporting
ith written instructions
bygram Form should be completed and
sub bygram Form may be obtained by emailing
Social Security Number to report a change.
Reporting Changes on the automated phone system
Clients must provide the last four digits of Social Security Number an
of birth to report a change.
Liability Deviations / Co
To report changes related to liability deviations and corrections or spend-down, cl
9 Internet (“Report a Change” tool);
9 FAX;
9 Mail; or
9 Local DFR Office.
When submi
Coversheet (recommended), or a coversheet with client’s full name and case n
instructions about the liability correction/deviation or spend-down. NOTE: Provid
documentation for all liability deviations/corrections or spend-down expenses w
on the case-specific, bar-coded Document Coversheet.
When adding newborns to existing Medicaid cases, a Ba
mitted to the FSSA Service Center by mail or FAX. The Ba
the V-CAN Team at vcan@us.ibm.com
. Make sure to choose one method of
th r FAX OR mail, do not FAX and mail the form).
submitting the Babygram
( i Make sure to FAX each form individually, and DO
NOT include a group of Babygram Forms in one FAX. This will allow the FSSA Service Center to process
the forms more quickly, since the form (once scanned) will be attached to the mother's Medicaid case.
nts need to be submitted with the Babygram Forms.
The redetermination process is outlined below:
1. A Redetermination Notice is mailed to the client.
o If the case includes Food Stamps, an appointment letter (for an interview) is included.
2. Eligibility Specialist conducts Redetermination Interview on the phone (Food Stamps only).
o After the interview, a Redetermination packet (summary information, signature page
and list of documents needed) is mailed to the client.
3. Client signs and mails or FAXes the Redetermination signature page and supporting documents
to the FSSA Service Center.
o FSSA Service Center scans the Redetermination documents into the system.
o Eligibility Specialist is notified that Redetermination documents are ready for review.
4. Eligibility Specialist reviews for completeness and forwards to a State Worker.
5. State Worker determines client eligibility.
e e
No attachme
V-CAN User Guide 22 vcan@us.ibm.com
• To obtain a copy of the Babygram Form, email vcan@us.ibm.com.
odernized” counties
The Babygram Form is to be used for newborns in New System or “m•
ONLY, until statewide implementation of the new system.
3.1.4 Redetermination