Voluntary Community Assistance Network (V-CAN)
HIP Application and Brochures order form
To order HIP applications and brochures for your office, complete and submit the HIP Applications and
AN should be emailed to the IBM-
led Co
Brochures order form.
2 V-CAN Member Questions
Questions and comments about eligibility modernization and the V-C
alition at vcan@us.ibm.com
. If you are wo
r ble is
rking with or on behalf of a client and experience a
sue, please provide the following information in your
number or date of birth and last four digits of Social
Call Center Representative, if applicable;
e call was made, if applicable; and
if applicable.
5.1.3 t ti
to locate the screening and online application and to check case and
p o m, please let us know. When reporting an
Client name and case
Security Number;
Name of
Time of day th
Phone number where the call was placed,
Ins ruc ons for Locating the Online Functions
Use the following instructions
report changes on the Internet:
Go to www.in.gov ;
Click the “Apply for Benefits/Manage your Benefits” button;
Select the county where the applicant resides (NOTE: only applicants in counties
where Eligibility Modernization has been implemented can use this function);
Click “Start Here” ; and
On the Welcome page, select the appropriate link to Screen for Services,
Apply for Benefits, Check Case Status or Repor
t a Change.
Figure 14: Online Tools Welcome Page
Check Case Status
Apply for Benefits
Screen for Services
Report a Chan
V-CAN User Guide 29 vcan@us.ibm.com