Voluntary Community Assistance Network (V-CAN)
V-CAN User Guide 26 vcan@us.ibm.com
nts and Referral members will receive client support materials to post in their offices
d contain helpful
s Points provide access to new application tools, like a computer for using the online
appl Access Points can serve the
cess Points). Access
Points c el of Access Point membership
l receive client support
to place by computers with online application instructions;
• Call Center Tip Stands to place next to phones with instructions for using the
toll-free number; and
• Posters, postcards, business cards, pens and magnets to post and distribute (see Referral
Member materials).
Figure 12: Access Point Materials
NOTE: The Internet Roll Menu and Call Center Tip Stand are double-sided in English and Spanish.
4. Client Support Materials
Client Support Materials Overview
V-CAN Access Poi
and distribute to clients. The client support materials are free to all V-CAN members an
tips when applying for and managing public assistance in the new system.
1 Access Point Materials
V-CAN Acces
ication, a phone for contacting the Call Center, or a FAX machine.
ublicized Acpublic (Publicized Access Points) or serve current clients only (Non-P
to one or more of the tools available. The levan provide access
depends on an organization’s clients and available resources. Access Points wil
materials, including:
• Internet Roll Menu
Internet Roll Menu
Call Center Tip Stand