
Voluntary Community Assistance Network (V-CAN)
V-CAN User Guide 13 vcan@us.ibm.com
6 Application Packet
An applicant may print or have an application packet mailed to them, regardl
start an application (i.e., toll-free number, local DFR office or Internet). If an ap
screening and print
The application contains a case-
pecific barcode, so a blank paper application
should not be photocopied and used for multiple applicants.
ess of method used to
plicant completes the
s a partially-completed application or requests one to be mailed, s/he will receive
and signature page,
upporting documents
e the partially-
If an applicant completes the online application, the applicant’s responses are entered into the online
end of the online application, the applicant can print or request a mailed
s. In addition to the
Summary of Rights and
red for each program
ents can be submitted to the FSSA Service
f at a local DFR office.
date and will send
hould be used when submitting copies of
supporting documents after the application has already been submitted, whether sending by mail or
FAX to the FSSA Service Center. The Document Coversheet may be used more than once for the same
case if you are sending different documents in separate FAXes or envelopes (e.g., the applicant has
some documents one day and brings in additional documents the next day).
Applicants will place an “X” next to the type of supporting document submitted (i.e., copy of vehicle
registration, rent receipt, etc). If sending a completed application and copies of supporting
documentation, be sure to include the application and the supporting documents in the same FAX
transaction to the FSSA Service Center (no Document Coversheet needed, since the application
contains a case-specific, bar-code). See Figure 8: Document Coversheet.
an application packet containing the entire Indiana Application for Assistance
Summary of Rights and Responsibilities, Document Coversheet and a list of s
required for each program. The application contains space for the applicant to complet
completed application.
application. At the
application summary (not the entire application) that contains the response
application summary, the Indiana Application for Assistance signature page, the
Responsibilities, Document Coversheet and a list of supporting documents requi
are provided in the application packet.
7 Submitting an Application
Completed applications and copies of supporting docum
Center through the mail or FAX (same as the toll-free number), or dropped of
Local DFR offices will date stamp the application to establish the application
applications and supporting documents to the FSSA Service Center for processing
A case-specific, bar-coded Document Coversheet s