Connecting to the network, 51
CRTLINETH, line descriptions, 223
Default Key, 802.11b, 80
Define LPR printer, error, 135
Destination settings, Print Path, 84
Ethernet Interface, 40
models, 40
Device Class (DEVCLS), 309
Device Description, *LAN 3812 SNMP, 309
Device Description, TN5250/3270, 95
Device Model (MODEL), 309
Device Type, TN5250/3270, 96
Direct socket printing, 165
Document conventions, 48
Encryption Key Configuration, 62
Equivalent Wireless Ethernet Interface
Configuration, 66
Errors, defining LPR printer, 135
Ethernet Interface, 35
cannot be found, 134
cannot be found on network,
troubleshooting, 167
card type, 36
change destination names, 116
configuration (10/100Base-T), Novell, 192
configuration menu, 74
configuration, Windows, 112
destinations, 40
guest user, 365
HTML structure, 69
installation, 51
naming schemes, 373
NDS content, NDS setup, 202
passwords, 365
preferred NDS tree, NDS setup, 203
queues, 40
root user, 365
security, 365
Set NDS content, 202
Set preferred NDS tree, 203
special features, 36
users, 365
verification, 57
Ethernet, configuration for AIX 4, 161
Font (FONT) = 011, 310
Font Identifier, TN5250, 307
Form Feed (FORMFEED), 310
Front panel, configuration, 53
FTP, 72
FTP printing, 163
Getting Help command, 328
Getting started, NIC with AS400 running
TN5250, 304
Guest user, Ethernet Interface, 365