Configuration Instructions
Inactivity Timer (INACTTMR)
This defaults to *ATTACH, but can be set to any value from 1 to 30
(minutes), as well as *SEC15 (15 seconds), *SEC30 (30 seconds)
or *NOMAX (no maximum). This value determines when the print
driver closes the connection to the printer (freeing it up to received
spooled output from another source) once there are no iSeries OS
spooled files left in RDY (ready) status. It is recommended that this
be set to *SEC15 so the iSeries OS will free up the printer 15
seconds after all RDY spooled files have been processed. Setting it
to *NOMAX will cause the iSeries OS to maintain the connection
until the writer ends, so the printer device will not be shared with
other systems.
Host Print Transform (TRANSFORM)
This needs to be set to *YES so the iSeries OS system's Host Print
Transform (HPT) function will convert both SCS and AFPDS
spooled files to the printer's data stream.
Manufacturer Type and Model (MFRTYPMDL)
This indicates the type of ASCII printer being used. This value is
used by HPT to determine what ASCII controls to use when
converting the spooled file from SCS or AFPDS to ASCII. The
recommended values are determined by the ASCII emulation
setting on the printer. The choices are: *IBM6500-vEP for Epson
emulation, *IBM6500-v or *IBM4203 for Proprinter.
Remote Location (RMTLOCNAME)
This should be set to the printer's IP address, host name or DNS
name. If an IP address is used, it should be entered without leading
zeros (for example, use instead of
If an IP address is used, verify that the iSeries OS can reach the
printer by using either the PING or Verify TCP/IP Connection
(VFYTCPCNN) command with that IP address. If a host name or
DNS name is used, verify that the iSeries OS can reach the printer
by using either the PING or Verify TCP/IP Connection
(VFYTCPCNN) command with that host name or DNS name.