Configuring PSF for IPDS On V4R2 And Above
Create PSF Configuration (CRTPSFCFG)
PSF configuration ................... Name
Library ................................ >*CURLIB Name, *CURLIB
User resource library list ........... *JOBLIBL *JOBLIBL, *CURLIB, *NONE
Device resource library list ........ *DFT Name, *DFT
+ for more values
IPDS pass through .................. >*NO *NO, *YES
Activate release timer................ *NORDYF *NORDYF, *IMMED...
Release timer........................... >*NOMAX 1-1440, *NOMAX, *SEC15...
Restart timer.............................. *IMMED 1-1440, *IMMED
APPC and TCP/IP retry count... 15 1-99, *NOMAX
Delay between APPC retries..... 90 0-999
Acknowledgment frequency ...... 100 1-32767
Printer response timer *NOMAX 5-3600, *NOMAX
Generate PDF output *NONE *NONE, SPLF, *STMF, *MAIL
Text 'description' ..................... >*BLANK
Additional Parameters
Automatic session recovery:
Enabled ............................... *NO *NO, *YES
Message option ................... *INFO, *INQ
Blank page ................................ *YES *YES, *NO
Page size control.................... >*YES *NO, *YES
Resident fonts .......................... *YES *YES, *NO
Resource retention................... *YES *YES, *NO
Edge orient............................... *NO *YES, *NO
Use outline fonts....................... *NO *YES, *NO
PSF defined option................... *NONE
+ for more values
Font substitution messages...... *YES *YES, *NO
Capture host fonts at printer..... *NO *NO, *YES
Font resolution for formatting ... *SEARCH *SEARCH, 240, 300
Font mapping table................... *NONE Name, *NONE
Library.................................. Name