Chapter 6 Novell Host Configuration
24. Press ESCAPE until back at the PCONSOLE Main Menu.
25. Repower the printer.
26. Wait two minutes and then select “Print Queue Information”
from the PCONSOLE Main Menu.
27. Select this new queue from the menu that displays.
28. Select “Currently Attached Servers” to see which print server is
servicing this queue.
At this point, the Ethernet Interface name (e.g., M_091C1A) should
show within this window. This means the Ethernet Interface knows
about this new Novell print queue it must service as a PSERVER.
Therefore, it will poll this queue regularly looking for jobs to print.
NOTE: In a NetWare environment the Ethernet Interface will
service only one of the four available printer objects (such
as d1prn); do not configure more than one printer object
from the printer. The Ethernet Interface cannot service
multiple file servers at one time; do not configure multiple
file servers to access the printer.