Store Commands
store tcpip <ifnum> mask <netmask>
store tcpip 1 mask
Store the subnet mask for the Ethernet Interface.
store tcpip <ifnum> opts [[-]rarp] [[-]bootp] [[-]dhcp]
store tcpip 1 opts -rarp -bootp -dhcp
Enable or disable the automatic RARP, BOOTP, DHCP, DNS,
persistent DHCP requests for IP addresses upon bootup. If you
are storing the Ethernet Interface TCP/IP network settings
within the device, you will not need to rely on RARP, BOOTP,
DHCP, or DNS for new settings.
store tcpip route add [host|net] <network> [/mask]
<router> <ifnum> [<metric>]
store tcpip route add net 1
Add a static route to a particular TCP/IP host or subnet
specified by <network> so the Ethernet Interface knows how
to communicate with it. Normally one entry for a default router/
gateway is all that is needed for communications between
different subnets. Please see the next command for details.
store tcpip route del [host|net] <network>
store tcpip route add net 1
Delete a static route to a particular TCP/IP host or subnet
specified by <network> so the Ethernet Interface knows how
to communicate with it. Normally one entry for a default router/
gateway is all that is needed for communications between
different subnets. Please see the next command for details.
store tcpip route add|del default [1|2] <router>
<ifnum> [<metric>]
store tcpip route add default1 1
Store a default router/gateway defined by <router>
<ifnum> so the Ethernet Interface knows where to direct
packets destined for another subnet. It is easier to store one
default entry rather than an entry per remote host or network as
in the previous command.