Setting Up Printing For ASCII Files
Manufacturer Type (MFRTYPMDL)
NOTE: Select a manufacturer type and model. This is the name of
the WSCO. Select *IBM6500-v for Proprinter Emulation
or 6500-vEP for Proprinter for Epson Emulation. Select the
Manufacturer Type Model based on the data type.
a. Report printing, text only, no IGP or barcodes.
Manufacturer Type Model = *IBM6500
Workstation customizing object = *NONE
Since IBM42023 is a Printronix XL emulation, the printer
emulation must also be switched to Proprinter emulation.
Be sure to save the printer emulation as the power-up
Alternate selection:
Manufacturer Type Model = *IBM6500EP
Workstation Customizing Object = *NONE
Since IBM6500EP is an Epson emulation, the printer
emulation must be also switched to Epson emulation. Be
sure to save the printer emulation as the power-up
b. PGL or VGL program.
Manufacturer Type Model = *WSCSTCONT132
Workstation Customizing Object = QWPDEFAULT
Library = QSYS
This selects a generic object that passes the data
unchanged without any escape codes to the printer. Text
files will print in the currently selected printer configuration,
cpi, lpi, and form length. OS/400 versions below V3R7 may
not have this selection and may require manual creation of
a generic WSCST. Please contact your IBM representative
for assistance.
NOTE: For occasional text reports, create a printer configuration
for each report and use the [Job Select] key to select a
report configuration.