9 - 7
Description Ends conditional command block begun with the previous IF command.
Syntax EndIf
Parameter None
Example See IfFile (page 9-8).
Notes Results are unpredictable if not paired properly with If... command.
Description Ends conditional command block begun with the previous IF command.
Syntax EndIfFile
Parameter None
Example See IfFile (page 9-8).
Notes Results are unpredictable if not paired properly with IfFile command.
Ends conditional command block executed only if the device type specified in IfTerm
Syntax EndIfTerm
Parameter None
Example See IfFile (page 9-8).
Notes Results are unpredictable if not paired properly with IfTerm command.
Description Copies a file, overwriting any existing file.
Syntax fcopy,source-file,destination-file
Parameters source-file: The file to be copied, including its path
destination-file: The destination path and filename
Example fcopy,\Storage Card\MyData.dat,\Temp\MyData.dat
Notes If the destination file already exists it is overwritten.
If the source file is blank, a zero-byte file is created.