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This is an alphanumeric field displaying the currently selected Outbox.
• The Outbox is the location where files are stored to be pushed from the MX9 to a remote server. Use the browse button ... to
browse to and select the Outbox folder.
• Use Windows Explorer to create a custom directory, if desired, before selecting the Outbox folder.
The default Inbox is \My Device\My Documents\DefaultOutbox.
Write Capable
When checked, files may be written to the MX9. When unchecked, inbound files are rejected.
This option is enabled (checked) by default.
Enable Notifications
When checked, the user is notified and may be prompted for a response when files are received by the MX9. When unchecked,
inbound files are received with no notification to and no required action from the user.
This option is enabled (checked) by default.
Disable EZPair (or LXEZ Pairing) OPP
When checked, OPP is disabled in EZPair (or LXEZ Pairing). When unchecked, OPP is enabled in EZPair (or LXEZ Pairing).
The default is unchecked, OPP is enabled for EZPair (or LXEZ Pairing).
• Because only one application can use OPP at a given time, custom applications should disable OPP in EZPair (or LXEZ
Pairing) via an API call while the application is using OPP and restore this setting upon completion.
• When this item is checked, the other parameter settings on this screen are unavailable (dimmed).