9 - 6
Description Deletes a specified registry subkey.
Syntax Delregkey,key,subkey
Parameter key: The abbreviated major registry key where you want to delete the subkey. Can be one
• cr or hkcr (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)
• cu or hkcu (HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
• lm or hklm (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).
The case of key does not matter.
subkey: The subkey you want to delete.
Example delregkey,LM,Software\WidgetsPlc\OurApp
Notes Deletes the specified subkey and all of its contents (if any).
Description Begins conditional command block, executed only if the previous IF command was FALSE.
Syntax ElseIf
Parameter None
Example See IfFile (page 9-8).
Notes Results are unpredictable when ElseIf is not paired properly with If… command.
Begins conditional command block executed only if the file specified in the previous IfFile
does not exist.
Syntax ElseIfFile
Parameter None
Example See IfFile (page 9-8).
Notes Results are unpredictable if not paired properly with IfFile command.