
4 Walk-up copying 45
Altering the image
The Sharpness Control specifies the sharpness setting that the scanner uses when the product scans your original.
Sharpness enhances the edges of the original so that faint or fine text and graphics are reproduced more sharply. Adjust the
amount of sharpness by touching the arrows on the Sharpness Control bar.
Like the Contrast Control on the main touch screen, the Density Control on the enhancement screen allows you to
determine the contrast of your copy. Touch the arrows on the Density Control, and move the slider to the lighter or darker
area of the Density Control bar. Changing the density using the Density Control is reflected in the Contrast Control on the
main screen. If you adjust the Contrast Control on the main screen, and then adjust the Density Control on the
enhancement screen, the adjustment you made on the enhancement screen will override any adjustment you made on the
main screen.