2 The control panel 21
The control panel
The product control panel has a unique touch-screen graphical display that offers an integrated approach to copying, digital
sending, and printing.
The control panel provides you with all the features you expect from a standard photocopier as well as printing and
digital-sending capabilities. The control panel allows you to describe the features of the original document, specify any
necessary modifications to the scanned image, and then select the features you want in the copy. For example, you can
describe the original document as an A4-sized, duplexed, text document, then apply scaling or contrast changes you want in
the copy. You can then select the copy options such as tray and paper size to be used for copying. The graphical display
shows a representative image (page icon) of both your original document and the copy.
In addition, the control panel presents several menus that allow you to set system defaults, customize settings for a particular
job, and store and retrieve printed and scanned jobs.
This chapter introduces the following control panel topics:
z Control panel layout
z Control panel navigation
z Control panel default touch screen
z Interpreting control panel lights
Specific control panel functions that pertain to sending, copying, and printing tasks are presented in later chapters.