B Control panel menus 189
Paper handling menu
Paper handling menu
When paper handling settings are correctly configured through the control panel, you can print by choosing the type and size
of paper from the driver or software application. For more information, see “Printing by type and size of paper” on page 67
Some items in this menu (such as duplex and manual feed) are accessible from a software application, or from the driver (if
the appropriate driver is installed). Driver and software application settings override control panel settings. For more
information, see “Using features in the driver” on page 63
Item Values Explanation
FIRST: Allows the user to specify if media in the tray should be used.
CASSETTE: If set to CASSETTE, the tray must be configured with a size
and type, and functions like all other trays.
TRAY <N> SIZE=LETTER Allows the user to set the paper size for Tray 2, 3, and Tray 4 (if
installed) when the custom switch is in the CUSTOM position. Size is
detected if the switch is in the STANDARD position. Substitute the tray
number for <N>.
TRAY <N> TYPE=PLAIN Allows the user to specify the type of media in each tray. Substitute
the tray number for <N>.