
parallel messages 130
troubleshooting 160
postcards, printing 61
PostScript driver 16
PostScript error pages 149, 199
PostScript font list, printing 173, 188
PostScript jobs, troubleshooting 149, 161
power, troubleshooting 146
energy usage 239
settings 205, 217
specifications 12
description 19
included with product 16
selecting alternate 164
where provided 14
Premium Choice LaserJet Paper 181
preprinted paper
fuser mode 190
printing on 60
prepunched paper
fuser mode 190
loading 51, 52
PCL commands 234
printing 60
presets digital sending option 27
print cartridges
authenticating 90
benefits and features 10
checking toner level 91
jam locations 96
low 207
low or out 92
messages 123
non-HP 90
obtaining supplies information 90
part numbers 181
recycling 240
shaking to distribute toner 93
shelf life 90
storing 90
supplies status page 171
usage information 172
print quality
maintaining with cleaning page 93
settings 202
troubleshooting 138
Print quality menu 202
print servers, troubleshooting 165
printer commands
common 232
description 227
escape sequences 230
syntax 229
printer drivers. See drivers
Printer Job Language (PJL) commands 228
printer maintenance kit
clearing message 216
gauge 171
ordering 125