B-4 CG00000-011503 REV. A April 1997
28 00 6 Not ready to ready transition (Priority 2)
29 00 6 Power on, reset, or BUS DEVICE RESET occurred (Priority 1)
2A 01 6 Mode parameters changed (Priority 5)
30 00 3 Incompatible medium installed - attempting 36-track writes over 18-track data away from BOT
30 01 8 Cannot read medium - unknown format
30 02 3 Incompatible format
5 Incompatible format
33 00 3 Tape length error
6 Tape length error (Priority 3)
3A 00 2 Not ready, medium not present. NOTE: This ASC/ASCQ can only be generated when feature
mode FT5, bit 4 (0x10) is set to one as described in the configuration settings in the M2488
User’s Guide.
3B 0D 5 Destination medium changer element full
3B 0E 5 No cartridge or magazine at specified medium changer source element position
3B 8F 5 First destination medium changer element empty
3B 90 5 Second destination medium changer element full
3B 91 5 Second destination medium changer element empty
92 5 Medium changer transport element full
3B 93 5 Medium changer element is not accessible
3B 94 5 Drive is full, operation cannot be performed
3D 00 5 Invalid bits in IDENTIFY message
3F 01 6 Microcode has been changed (Priority 4)
43 00 B Message reject error
44 00 1 Recovered internal hardware error
4 Hardware error
B Internal target failure
45 00 B No initiator response to reselection
47 00 B SCSI parity error
48 00 B
Active SCSI command aborted due to an Initiator detected error message being received
49 00 B Invalid message error
4B 00 B SPC transfer offset error or transfer period error
4E 00 B Overlapped commands attempted
53 00 2 Unload failure
3 Load failure occurred and buffered write data exists
53 01 2 Unload failure
3 Manual unload failure occurred and buffered write data exists
5B 02 1 Log counter at maximum
A0 xx 0 Internal Software Error: Unsupported ERPA code xx encountered by error processing software.
Report ERPA code to Product Support Engineer.
xx 1 Internal Software Error: Unsupported ERPA code xx encountered by error processing software.
Report ERPA code to Product Support Engineer.
Table B-3. ASC and ASCQ Description (by ASC/ASCQ) (Continued)