
4-22 CG00000-011503 REV. A April 1997
5 1
A Wide bus 16 (WBus16) bit set to one indicates the target supports 16-bit wide data
A value of zero indicates that the device does not support 16-bit wide data transfers.
The value this bit depends on the type of SCSI Interface Personality Module (IPM)
installed in the target (i.e. 50 pin or 68 pin SCSI connector type).
NOTE: In order for 16-bit wide data transfers to occur, the 68 pin IPM must be
installed in the target (i.e. WBus16 bit in INQUIRY data is reported as set to one) and
Wide Data Transfer negotiation (via the Wide Data Transfer Request message) is
7 6 0 The Wide bus 32 (WBus32) bit is set to zero indicating the target does not support 32-
bit wide data transfers.
7 7 0 The Relative Addressing (RelAdr) bit is set to zero indicating the target does not sup-
port relative addressing for this logical unit.
8-31 The Vendor and Product Identification fields contain ASCII data retrieved from
NVRAM during power-up/reset. The first time the controller is powered-up, the corre-
sponding NVRAM fields are initialized to the default values. The default values for
these fields are shown in Table 4-23 (note: all ASCII data shown is left aligned within
each field). When being read from NVRAM, if these fields are not available due to an
NVRAM error, then ASCII spaces will be returned in the corresponding Inquiry data
field. The values in these fields in NVRAM can be changed via the CHANGE DEFI-
NITION command. It is possible to assign unique values in these fields for both the
MTU and MC INQUIRY data. Reference the CHANGE DEFINITION command for
more information on changing these fields.
32-35 The Controller Microcode Version and Revision Level information contains vendor
unique ASCII data.
36 0 1
A MC (Medium Changer) bit set to one indicates that a Medium Changer is installed.
A MC bit set to zero indicates that a Medium Changer is not installed.
If a Medium Changer is installed, then the MC bit will be set in INQUIRY data gener-
ated for any logical unit whether or not the logical unit is attached. If the MC bit indi-
cates that a Medium Changer is installed, then INQUIRY Vital Product Data page C1h
(Configuration page), byte 15 (mc_l_addr) indicates the logical unit address of the
installed Medium Changer.
37-41 The Microcode Build Date information fields contain the following ASCII data:
The month, day and year when the controller microcode was generated.
42-45 The MTU (servo) Microcode Level information fields contain the following ASCII
(a) MTU Engineering Control (EC) level.
(b) MTU Microcode Version.
46-53 The MTU (servo) Microcode Checksum information field contains the checksum of
the MTU microcode (i.e. not including the controller microcode) in ASCII data.
96-103 The Controller Microcode Checksum information field contains the checksum of the
controller microcode (i.e. not including the MTU microcode) in ASCII data.
Table 4-19. INQUIRY Data Format Field Description (Continued)