April 1997 CG00000-011503 REV. A 8-31
feature mode 1, bit 1 (0x02) to one via the CHANGE DEFINITION command (VPD page C1h, fm1
field) or by the operator panel, SETTING menu, option 77:S.FT1 (see Chapter 4 of User’s Guide).
It is important to note that when bits 0 and 1 of feature mode 1 are both set to one, only the fourth
retry method (Aborted Command) is supported.
The following EDRC retry method may be used by the initiator to determine if the EDRC error is
retryable. Refer to Figure 8-2:
a. SENSE KEY byte 2 has a value of 0Bh,
b. Additional Sense Code byte 12 and Additional Sense Code Qualifier byte 13 have a value of 44h
and 00h respectively,
c. Host ERPA byte 19 has a value of 4Ch.
After the initiator has verified bytes 2, 12, 13, and 19 are of the correct value, the initiator can reissue
the WRITE command.
** NOTE **
It is possible for the target to generate SENSE KEY 0Bh (Aborted
Command) with sense data bytes 12, 13, and 19 containing values
other than those shown in Figure 8-2. This indicates that more spe-
cific data transfer errors occurred (e.g. SPC Parity error on data
received) and the initiator can still reissue the WRITE command.