Appendix D Philips GP Quick Reference Appendix D Philips GP Quick Reference
D-13 D-14
Table 6 (Cont.): Font Selection, National Version and Code Table Handling Table 6 (Cont.): Font Selection, National Version and Code Table Handling
Escape Sequence Mnemonic Function Escape Sequence Mnemonic Function
ESC [ P1 ; P2 w SNVCT Set National Version and Code Table ESC [ P1 ; P2 x CPL Select Font (P1) and Character Pitch (P2)
P1 = 1 - 15 national version depending P1 = 1: Data
on selected character set (see P1 = 2: Letter Gothic
Appendix C Character Set P1 = 3: Letter Gothic Italic
Tables) P1 = 4: Courier
P1 for national version NV-2.5: P1 = 5: Micro
P1 = 1 : Germany
P1 = 2 : Great Britain
P1 = 3 : France
P1 = 4 : Spain
P1 = 5 : Italy
P1 = 6 : Sweden
P1 = 7 : Denmark
P1 = 8 : Portugal
P1 = 9 : Sweden 2
P1 = 1 0 : USA
P1 = 1 1 : Finland
P2 = 3 digit code of the code table (see
Appendix C Character Set
P2 = 0 1 1 : NV-1.0
P2 = 0 1 2 : NV-2.3
P2 = 0 1 3 : NV-2.5
P2 = 0 1 4 : NV-2.6
P2 = 0 1 5 : NV-2.8
P2 = 0 3 1 : ISO 8859/1, ECMA-94
P2 = 0 3 2 : ISO 8859/15
P2 = 0 6 1 : IBM Set 1
P2 = 0 6 2 : IBM Set 2
P2 = 0 6 3 : IBM Code Page
P2 = 0 7 1 : EPSON EXT. GCT
1) depending on selected character set (P1) the IBM CODE PAGE 437, 850, 860,
863, 865, or 858 (P1 = &; P2 = 63) will be activated!
ESC [ P1 w SNV Set National Version
P1 = 1 - 15 national version depending
on selected character set (see
Appendix C Character Set
Tables and SNVCT above)
P1 = 6: Orator
P1 = 7: Orator-C
P1 = 8: Roman
P1 = 9: Prestige
P1 = 10: Script
P1 = 11: OCR A
P1 = 12: OCR B
P2 = 1: 10 cpi
P2 = 2: 12 cpi
P2 = 3: 15 cpi
P2 = 4: proportional
P2 = 5: proportional
P2 = 6: 14,4 cpi
P2 = 7: 18 cpi
P2 = 8: 17 cpi
P2 = 9: 20 cpi