
Configuring the printer Configuring the printer
3-13 3-14
- Line Mode Main-Function INSTALLATION
If LF = LF + CR is selected, the printer performs a carriage return (CR) for
every line feed (LF) received by the interface. - Sub-Function INTERFACE
If CR = LF + CR is selected, the printer performs a line feed (LF) for every - BUFFER
carriage return (CR) received by the interface. Buffer size in Kbyte. The maximum size is 48 Kbyte.
- $$ Commands - WORD LENGTH
This function causes $$ either to be printed as $$ or to activate ESC Length of the data to be transferred; values are 7 or 8 bit.
commands within an application.
If this function is set to YES the characters are interpreted by the printer in the following types are available:
the following way: - Parallel
- $$ like ESC [ - Serial
- $$/ like ESC. - Shared
- Tear-off-mode (only for fanfold paper) automatically between the parallel and serial interfaces. The first data
There are three possible settings within this mode: received at the port determine which interface port becomes active.
- NO The other interface port will be closed so that only one interface is
- YES 10 SEC. active at a time (for detailed information see Appendix A Interface
- YES 1 SEC. Description).
The NO SPECIAL setting is to be used with critical forms which cannot word length even parity bit, 9600 baud rate, DTR protocol and AUTO
handle the return movement of the paper. STATUS = NO.
With the YES setting the printer waits for one or ten seconds and, unless
further data is received, moves the paper to the first perforation after the text. - BAUD RATE (Only indicated if the serial interface is selected)
Regardless of this setting, whenever changing from fanfold to another paper Controls the speed of data transfer. The possible transfer rates are: 600,
source, the printer will request the fanfold paper to be torn off before the 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 bps.
paper is moved to the park position.
- Pre-separation (is used for the ASF cassettes only) The data transfer will be checked by an even or odd parity bit. The values
During normal printing, a sheet of paper is not inserted from an ASF cassette are: EVEN, ODD, NONE or IGNORE.
before the preceding sheet has been ejected. By selecting
PRE-SEPARATION = YES the sheets follow each other more closely, - PROTOCOL (Only indicated if the serial interface is selected)
thereby increasing the printer's throughput. Selectable are: DTR, XON/XOFF or XON/XOFF+DTR.
- I/F TYPE (Interface Type)
In case the SHARED interface type is selected the printer switches
The factory setting for the interface type are: Shared, 8 Kbyte Buffer, 8 bit
- PARITY BIT (Only indicated if the serial interface is selected)