Epson FX Emulation Commands (continued)
Command Command Name
Character Set (continued)
ESC I SOH Enable Character Positions 0-31 and
128-159 as Printable Characters
ESC I NUL Disable Character Positions 0-31 and
128-159 as Printable Characters
Print Enhancement
SO Select Expanded Print for One Line
ESC SO Select Expanded Print for One Line
DC4 Cancel Expanded Print
ESC W SOH Select Expanded Print Until Canceled by
ESC W NUL Cancel Expanded Print
ESC w SOH Select Double-High Print
ESC w NUL Cancel Double-High Print
SI Select Compressed Print
ESC SI Select Compressed Print
DC2 Cancel Compressed Print
ESC x SOH Select Letter-Quality Print
ESC x NUL Cancel Letter-Quality Print
ESC - SOH Select Text-Underline Print
ESC - NUL Cancel Text-Underline Print
ESC G Select Boldface Print
ESC H Cancel Boldface Print
ESC E Select Shadow Print
ESC F Cancel Shadow Print
ESC S NUL Select Superscript Print
ESC T Cancel Superscript Print
ESC S SOH Select Subscript Print
ESC T Cancel Subscript Print
ESC 4 Select Italic Print
ESC 5 Cancel Italic Print
ESC ! n Select Master Print
Epson FX Printer Emulation Mode 8-8