Move Up One Line
Escape sequence: ESC LF
Hexadecimal: 1B 0A
The line space is the distance defined by the VMI or the distance set
via the Form Config switch on the control panel.
Move Up One-Half Line
Escape sequence: ESC D
Hexadecimal: 1B 40
When one-half line space is a fractional number of 1/144 inch steps,
the printer truncates the number of steps to a whole number.
Move Down One-Half Line
Escape sequence: ESC U
Hexadecimal: 1B 55
When one-half line space is a fractional number of 1/144 inch steps,
the printer truncates the number of steps to a whole number.
Character Pitch Commands
The following paragraphs describe the commands for character pitch
operations in the Model 855 WP emulation mode.
Set Horizontal Motion Index to (
-1)/120 Inch
Escape sequence: ESC US n
Hexadecimal: 1B 1F n
This command sets the HMI to (n-1)/120 inch, where the variable n
is valid for any value in the range of 1 through 255.
Set Character Pitch to 10 cpi
Escape sequence: ESC y
Hexadecimal: 1B 79
TI Model 855 Printer WP Emulation 5-17