
Select Printer
Control character: DC1
Hexadecimal: 11
This command reselects the printer after it has received a Deselect
Printer command, unless the printer has been placed offline via the
control panel On Line switch.
Note: Some IBM computers and IBM-compatible computers set
parallel interface pin 36 low; this condition disables the DC1 command.
Deselect Printer
Escape sequence: ESC Q 22
Hexadecimal: 1B 51 16
This command sets the printer to its deselected state until it receives
a Select Printer (DC1) command from the host. After the printer has
received the Deselect Printer command, it cannot be placed online
via the control panel On Line switch.
Sound Bell
Control character: BEL
Hexadecimal: 07
This command causes the printer to sound a short tone.
Cancel Line
Control character: CAN
Hexadecimal: 18
This command removes all characters except control characters from
the current contents of the print buffer.
Select Unidirectional Printing
Escape sequence: ESC U SOH
Hexadecimal: 1B 55 01
This command causes the printer to print subsequent text in the
forward (left-to-right) direction only.
IBM Proprinter XL Emulation 7-8