TI Model 855 Printer DP Emulation 6-9
Set Form Length to
Escape sequence: ESC C n
Hexadecimal: 1B 43 n
The variable n is valid for any value in range of 1 through 127 for 7-bit
character sets and 1 through 255 for 8-bit character sets.
Example. To set the form length to 60 lines, send the sequence
ESC C < (1B 43 3C).
Select Font
Escape sequence: ESC f n
Hexadecimal: 1B 66 n
The printer can have a maximum of 10 fonts, including two standard
fonts (Gothic and Courier) and up to eight optional fonts.
The variable n can be any value in the range of 0 through 9, where 0
designates Gothic, 1 designates Courier, 2 designates the first font in
option ROM 1, 3 designates the second font in option ROM 1, and
so on. The range of n for either option ROM depends on the number
of fonts contained in each ROM.
Examples. If option ROM 1 has two fonts and option ROM 2 has
three fonts, then the range of n is 2 through 3 for option ROM 1 and
4 through 7 for option ROM 2. If option ROM 1 has four fonts and
option ROM 2 has three fonts, then the range of n is 2 through 5 for
option ROM 1 and 6 through 8 for option ROM 2.
Horizontal Motion Commands
The following paragraphs describe the commands for horizontal
motion and tabulation functions in the Model 855 DP emulation mode.
Control character. BS
Hexadecimal: 08
This command causes the printer to move the printhead one space to
the left.