
IBM Proprinter XL Emulation 7-14
Disable Automatic Line Feed
Escape sequence: ESC 5 NUL
Hexadecimal: 1B 35 00
Reverse Line Feed
Escape sequence: ESC ]
Hexadecimal: 1B 5D
Set Vertical Tab Stops
Escape sequence: ESC B nl...n64 NUL
Hexadecimal: 1B 42 n1...n64 00
This command sets up to 64 vertical tab stops (in the current line
spacing). Subsequent line spacing changes do not affect these
settings. The tab settings must be entered in ascending order (n1, n2,
and so on); that is, the value of each succeeding n variable must be
greater than the one preceding it. Any n variable with a value of 0
(00) terminates the command.
Clear Vertical Tab Stops
Escape sequence: ESC B NUL
Hexadecimal: 1B 42 00
Character Pitch and Line Spacing Commands
The character pitch is the horizontal distance from the center of one
character to the center of an adjacent character. The line spacing is
the vertical distance between print lines.
Set Character Pitch to 10 cpi
Control character: DC2
Hexadecimal: 12