
Cancel Right Margin Justification
Escape sequence: ESC [
Hexadecimal: 1B 5B
Set Top Margin at Current Position
Escape sequence: ESC +
Hexadecimal: 1B 2B
Changing the form length setting overrides this command and resets
the top margin to the top-of-form position.
Set Bottom Margin at Current Position
Escape sequence: ESC -
Hexadecimal: 1B 2D
If the form length does not exceed the bottom margin, the bottom of
the form is the same as the bottom margin setting. If the form length
exceeds the bottom margin, the bottom margin is unchanged.
Set Left Margin at Current Position
Escape sequence: ESC 9
Hexadecimal: 1B 39
For any left margin setting greater than 1, the BS control character or
the absolute tabulation escape sequence (ESC HT n) permits printing
to the left of the margin.
Set Right Margin at Current Position
Escape sequence: ESC 0
Hexadecimal: 1B 30
TI Model 855 Printer WP Emulation 5-13