System Management Commands 1327
Following is an example of using the telnet command to connect to
Esc U sends telnet EL
Use the traceroute command in Privileged EXEC mode to discover the IP
routes that packets actually take when traveling to their destinations.
You can use traceroute command in either of two formats:
• You can specify the IP address and hostname in the command. The
command sets the parameters to their
default values.
lpd Printer service 515
nntp Network News Transport Protocol 119
pim-auto-rp PIM Auto-RP 496
pop2 Post Office Protocol v2 109
pop3 Post Office Protocol v3 110
smtp Simple Mail Transport Protocol 25
sunrpc Sun Remote Procedure Call 111
syslog Syslog 514
tacacs TAC Access Control System 49
talk Talk 517
telnet Telnet 23
time Time 37
uucp Unix-to-Unix Copy Program 540
whois Nickname 43
www World Wide Web 80
Keyword Description Port Number