1032 Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Commands
ip vrrp
Use the ip vrrp command in Global Configuration mode to enable the
administrative mode of VRRP for the router. In Interface Config mode, this
command enables the VRRP protocol on an interface. Use the no form of the
command to disable the administrative mode of VRRP for the router.
Syntax (Global Config Mode)
ip vrrp
no ip vrrp
Syntax (Interface Config Mode)
ip vrrp
no ip vrrp
• vr-id — Virtual router identification. (Range: 1-255)
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration or Interface Configuration (VLAN) mode.
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example enables VRRP protocol on the router.
console(config)#ip vrrp
The following example in Interface Configuration mode enables VRRP
protocol on VLAN 15.
console(config)#interface vlan 15
console(config-if-vlan15)#ip vrrp 5