1176 RMON Commands
The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display:
show rmon events
Use the show rmon events command in User EXEC mode to display the
RMON event table. Also see the rmon event command.
show rmon events
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
User EXEC mode
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example displays the RMON event table.
console> show rmon events
Index Description Type Community Owner Last time sent
----- ----------- ---- --------- ------ -------------------
1 Errors Log CLI Jan 18 2005 23:58:17
2 High Broadcast Log-Trap switch Manager Jan 18 2005 23:59:48
Field Description
Index An index that uniquely identifies the entry.
Interface The sampled Ethernet interface.
Interval The interval in seconds between samples.
Requested Samples The requested number of samples to be saved.
Granted Samples The granted number of samples to be saved.
Owner The entity that configured this entry.