Appendix H Cisco Secure ACS Internal Architecture
Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
CSDBSync is the service used to synchronize the Cisco Secure ACS database
with third-party RDBMS systems and is an alternative to using the ODBC
dynamic link library (DLL). Starting with Version 2.4, CSDBSync synchronizes
AAA client, AAA server, network device groups (NDGs) and Proxy Table
information. For information on relational database management system
(RDBMS) synchronization, see the “RDBMS Synchronization” section on
page 8-24.
CSLog is the service used to capture and place logging information. CSLog
gathers data from the TACACS+ or RADIUS packet and CSAuth, and then
manipulates the data to be placed into the comma-separated value (CSV) files. By
default, the CSV files are created daily at midnight, but beginning with Version
2.3, the CSV files can be created daily, weekly, monthly, or by file size. The CSV
files can be imported into spreadsheets that support this format.
CSV files are stored in the default subdirectory
\Program Files\Cisco Secure ACS vx.x\Logs\. There are 10 subdirectories
that contain CSV files:
• AdminAudit—Contains the log files of administrator activity
• Backup and Restore—Contains the log files of ACS system backup and
restore activity
• DBReplicate—Contains the log files of database replication activity
• DbSync—Contains the log files of RDBMS synchronization activity
• Failed Attempts—Contains the log files of failed authentication attempts
• RADIUS Accounting—Contains the log files of successful authentication
and authorization activity for RADIUS users
• Service Monitoring—Contains the log files of service activities
• TACACS+ Accounting—Contains the log files of successful authentication
and authorization activity for TACACS+ users